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to the official site of We are a Team of Volunteers working together to make the world a better place! We have set up here and are building, our Social Forum, an independent Christian non-profit project wich members cooperate togheter to make each of us, according to our abilities talents and possibilities, our part of the World a better place for all! Our Christian faith, is the same of those who believe in Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God, and that He came on Earth to save all men no matter the Race or the color of the skin, or the social economical status or other differences. We believe that all that believe in Him and have received Him in their hearts as their personal Savior, have been reconciled with God through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and became members of the Family of God! This is why we seek the unity of believers, in order to cooperate together to make the World a better place for everyone. Our hope and wish, is that after this visit, you will work with us to make a difference! You can join our Forum with your project, or cooperate with an existing one. If you want to make a difference, we invite you to cooperate with the ones that are members of "The New Family!" Joining our Forum is free, is completely voluntary, free from rules that prevent the application of Bible principles in an effort to bring help in the Community where you live and beyound! Increase the Visibility of your Project on the Web joining our Forum! Membership is free ... By joining, you agrie and accept to implement the Terms to be a Member of the Forum & our Community. >[ join --- https://www.facebook.com/groups/912191112170560/ ]< |
The Family Consortium's project, [ in short - TFC ] is a Community composed of many individuals, of families, of single persons & Volunteers coming from many walks of life, united togheter to achive the Mission to make the World a better place for all wherever they reside! This web-site, is being developed for the Community Mission, by a Team of Volunteers that have dedicated theyr life to serve the local Community, especially them that are at risk of social exclusion and or underprivileged. The Volunteers that form our Fellowship Network Worldwide, reside & comes from many different Nationalities. We belive that Jesus Christ is the answer to all problems. That He came in the World with the Mission to Save all Humankind! In short, we belive that the implementation of His Words found in the Gospels, is the way to bring happiness and a life worth living to anyone!
The Web-Site is organized in Sections! Happy Surfing!